
So here is the problem: How do we ship ATMEGA328 chip, with ClockTHREE pre-installed, AND allow someone to test each column of LEDs as they build it up? ClockTHREE_connect a “pre-alpha” suite of three interconnected tools that provide an interface between a computer and ClockTHREE: which is the low level python interface, a graphical interface for setting alarms, and a computer based ClockTHREE mirror. is what I want to introduce here. This program drives the LEDs on an actual through the serial interface.

Here is how to use it (to test LEDs or expand it to do other cool stuff).

  • Download and unzip
  • Plug in your ClockTHREE to a wall outlet and int a computer with the included FTDI cable.
  • Double-click C3_GUI.exe in the newly created ClockTHREE directory.  When the program comes up, the serial port box should default to some value.  In my case it is COM7.
  • Click the “Connect” button.
  • The MirrorC3 button should become enabled, click it to bring up the ClockTHREE mirror.
  • Type the “t” key on your computer keyboard.  This will start a sequence of alternating colors on both the mirror and you ClockTHREE.
  • Type “t” again to stop the sequence.
  • Try typing the number “2” on your keyboard (my favorite).
  • Experement, what else would be cool?  Email, Stock ticker?

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