Numpy/Scipy/Matplotlib on Raspberry Pi

Notice:  The method posted here worked great and was faster.  Try this first:

If that does not work then try this:

Ok, so this is the second time I had to stumble through this. Here the commands I used to finally get it to work. Total compile time was a few hours. The third and forth steps, contributed by Ty Rudder, are for an optional performance boost.

$ sudo apt-get install libblas-dev        ## 1-2 minutes
$ sudo apt-get install liblapack-dev      ## 1-2 minutes
[$ sudo apt-get install python-dev        ## Optional]
[$ sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev ## Optional speed up execution]
$ sudo apt-get install gfortran           ## 2-3 minutes
$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools  ## ?
$ sudo easy_install scipy                 ## 2-3 hours
$ ## previous might also work: python-scipy without all dependencancies
$ sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib  ## 1 hour

… and the result is being able to do some nice processing on this blood pressure data. Below is 200 Hz pressure data, bandpass filtered between .5 and 5 Hz. You can clearly see the arterial pulses.

While I am jotting down hints, here is how to forward your X11 windows as root though ssh.

  1. From remote $ ssh -X pi@ # change to pi’s IP address
  2. On Raspberry Pi $ sudo cp /home/pi/.Xauthority /root
  3. Now run your graphical program.  Window should display on remote computer.

Install Node (install webide or from source…):

  1. Download tarball from
  2. ./configure
  3. make
  4. make install 

Install simplejson (easy_install simplejson)

Install PIL (sudo apt-get install python-imaging)

Install PySerial (sudo apt-get install python-serial)

when installing power switch without RTC– both scripts rely on /etc/rc.local  if hwclock is not found, then script exits and does not run  FIX: run before hwclock

FIX SD CARD: use Ubuntu boot disk creator to format disk, then dd newest distro

Color/Light Sensing Breakout Board

Our friend and fellow open hardware advocate, Jayson Tautic of is offering a cool breakout board on Tindie that word clock makers might want to take a look at.  It is a break out board for the TCS34717 – Color Light-to-Digital Converter.

ClockTHREEjr has a light dependent resistor or LDR board to measure brightness.  The problem with all of the LED switching taking place on the board, the analog measurement gets screwed up.  This breakout board could be the answer.  Besides measuring RGB color intensities, it also give an overall brightness reading which could be use to dim the LEDs when the lights go out.

WyoLum Innovation Grant 2012 Winners.

Thanks to all of the applicants to the 2012 WyoLum Innovation Grant!  Every single application will be awarded at least $250.

1.  $1000 Knitic [vimeo]
2. $1000 logTHIS [embedplusvideo height=”350″ width=”430″standard=”″ vars=”ytid=6ybxMA-ujoM&width=430&height=350&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep8955″ /]


3. $250 Open Power Supply [embedplusvideo height=”356″ width=”584″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=lnsSl1HXCi8&width=584&height=356&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep6014″ /]


4. $250 T-Board [vimeo]


5. $250 xser [embedplusvideo height=”465″ width=”584″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=d7x_NQMOLJY&width=584&height=465&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep2871″ /]


6. $250 Innovation Board

THANK YOU: AlaMode Recall

We have been dealing with our first product recall!  Oh, how exciting.  Why should Samsung and Sony have all the fun?

At issue is a reversed capacitor that has a tendency to explode when you do something silly, like power the unit.  We would like to extend a thank you to all the AlaMode customers that have stuck with us during this troubling hick up.  The vast, vast majority of you have been very understanding and we really appreciate that.

The even better news is that we have remedied the problem.  I just tested all of the replacements with 100% success!

Customer Feedback:

Fran (after receiving full refund): “Oh yeah right like I’m going to lift even a single finger to help you after this”

John: “No Problem!   Glad it was a nice “pick me up”.  As a fellow small business owner who’s been through a product recall, I applaud how you guys have handled it!  Looking forward to getting the AlaMode back ;)”

David: “Thanks Justin.  We look forward to getting it back.  Keep up the great work.”


WyoLum Innovation Grant 2012

We are pleased to announce the WyoLum Innovation Grant 2012 (#WIG2012) in which we hope to find 6 worthy open source projects to share $3000 in grants (two $1000 grants and 4 $250 Grants).  So dust off your camcorder and show us what you are working on.

Deadline for submission is December 14, 2012.  Good luck!

Our mission is to promote open hardware and we put our money where our mouth is.  Let’s accelerate the future in the best way possible!

Here are the official rules and judging guidelines.
