BusNET, a wired network for Arduino.

Rob Gray from RobGray.com has been developing a substaintial RS485 networking hardware for Arduino.


From the site:

BUSnet is a low‐speed control network designed to monitor and control devices incommercial or light‐industrial environment but equally suitable for otherapplications. It is a multi‐master point‐to‐point protocol using a ring topologywhere all nodes can transmit frames when they please.

Open Source Reflow (Toaster) Oven.

Frank from the Circle of Current site has been working on a circuit to control a solder re-flow oven.  From the application:

Inside this guide is a design for a circuit that controls the temperature of the toaster oven. The firmware source code, bootloader source code, circuit schematic, PCB layout, are all open source. Everything is posted here http://www.instructables.com/id/Hack-a-Toaster-Oven-for-Reflow-Soldering/ along with pictures, videos, and all the files I’ve mentioned.

I think I rememeber seeing his Music Playing Alarm Clock from the Make Blog.

‘Nother Entry

We recieved a few more applications for the WyoLum 2011 Innovation Grant process.  I don’t know if we will be able have a post for each one, but we will do what we can.

The paparazzi is a completely open source end-to-end solution to unmanned aerial vehicle  piloting.  Unlike other hardware projects I have come accross, this one integrates measurement, filtering, and control into single package.


From their website:

The Paparazzi Project

Paparazzi is a free and open-source hardware and software project intended to create an exceptionally powerful and versatile autopilot system for fixedwing aircrafts as well as multicopters by allowing and encouraging input from the community. The project includes not only the airborne hardware and software, from voltage regulators and GPS receivers to Kalman filtering code, but also a powerful and ever-expanding array of ground hardware and software including modems, antennas, and a highly evolved user-friendly ground control software interface.
All hardware and software is open-source and freely available to anyone under the GNU licencing agreement. Several vendors are currently producing and selling Paparazzi autopilots and popular accessories, making the system easy and affordable to all.
The key feature of the paparazzi autopilot is its unique combination of infrared thermopiles and inertial measurement for attitude sensing, providing a robust and accurate attitude estimate that requires no ground calibration and can recover from any launch attitude.


2011 WyoLum Innovation Grant

WyoLum’s [https://www.wyolum.com] mission is to “Promote Open Source Hardware”.  To that end, we are pleased to announce two $1000 (USD) grants to be awarded to the most qualified applicants.

Qualifying projects will be 100% open source (hardware and software) from development through to production.  WyoLum team members will be available for advice and assistance throughout your project.  If you have a killer idea, but have never fabricated a PCB, programmed a micro-controller or designed an enclosure, don’t let that stop you from submitting your idea. If we can’t immediately assist you, we will learn it together.

Submit completed applications to grants@wyolum.com by December 3, 2011.  Applications will be excepted in a combination of video (encouraged), html, .odt, .doc, .docx, blogpost.  We will make all reasonable efforts to receive and evaluate your application.

Download the Application as a Google Doc or PDF!  Share the Poster!  We are excited to hear from you!